Beers Up North
By James Reddicliffe
In past summers my list of things to do in Northern Michigan would always include visiting some of the region’s great craft breweries and bars. In 2019 I had a blast, and some wonderful beer at Silver Spruce Brewing Company. Housed in one half of an enduring Family Video store, with the other half still open for video rentals in normal times (and, according to its sign, CBD gummies) it was one of the most memorables venues I have been to. The beer is laudatory, as are the prices on video rentals next door at one dollar for two movies (Though “Taken” 2 and 3 are not nearly as good as the original.)
A recent sunset from the deck.
When I make a stop at Grand Traverse Commons, I always make it a point to hit Earthen Ales, which is making some of the best beer in the city. On a beautiful day I love sitting out on the patio at North Peak Brewing, or having a pint on the roof at the Franklin. After a concert at Interlochen I find it almost mandatory to visit Hofbrau House even though it is difficult to choose from one of their 52 draft beers and cocktails. And in my mind there does not seem to be a finer beer list anywhere in the country than at 7 Monks taproom in downtown Traverse City. As far as beer with a view goes, well, the Beach Club bar at the Homestead in Glen Arbor might not have an equal anywhere in the world. I would love to visit them all this August, but with the coronavirus wreaking havoc on the hospitality industry, visiting these places is not guaranteed.
This year, my favorite place to have a beer Up North will be on my parents’ deck. It could be a Two Hearted or Oberon from Bell’s, an M-43 from Old Nation or something refreshingly crisp from Silver Spruce.
The truth is it doesn’t really matter what I’m drinking, as long as I’m on that porch with my family, and a view of the pine and ash trees, rising dunes and deep blue Michigan waters.
This has been a hard year all over the world, and more than ever we need simple things to look forward to.
Every year I eagerly anticipate the week or 10 days when my family congregates in Michigan, but this year more than ever. I’ve been going to Glen Arbor every summer of my life, first to visit my grandparents and now to spend time with my parents and sisters and a growing, extended family. I have never felt a stronger pull to sit on that deck with those people than this year.
An outstanding, NEIPA from Old Nation.
You see, nobody really knows whether there will be normal summer fun this year. The National Cherry Festival has been canceled; so has the joyous Running Bear 5k in Glen Arbor. And it’s uncertain if Art’s Tavern in Glen Arbor will be slammed on a Saturday night in the way it has been every summer for decades. That is sad. Even so, the lake is wide and cold and perfect for swimming, and people will be brewing beer.
While I may not have the opportunity to visit breweries or hang out at bars this summer, I just think about that back porch. My people around me, Michigan’s perfect summer night embracing me, and a local cold beer in my hand. That is enough, this and every summer.